I created this character for a music video of Catz'n Dogz, for the song "It's OK". Builded with a carton structure and paper mache technique, one of the objectives was to create something that was easily recyclable once the video was recorded.
The song lyrics repeat over and over that "It's OK to be sad", so we decided that this unhappy guy was a good fit.
Creé este personaje para un video musical de Catz'n Dogz, para la canción "It's OK". Construido con una estructura de cartón y papel maché, uno de los objetivos es que fuera una pieza fácilmente reciclable, una vez el video fuese grabado.
La canción repite una y otra vez que "It's OK to be sad", así que decidimos que este tipo con cara de infeliz era un buen fit.